Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Heaven Allows

Its rock 'n' roll time, now. Having gotten past the tough part, everything has suddenly opened up and I see a clear path to the end of the novel. This is a huge breakthrough. Theres still going to be a few complicated things to work out, but I know where I'm going straight through to the end. This is phenomenal. Its the first time I can really step back and see the whole thing for what it is. I cant wait to go back through the outline once its complete to touch it up in preparation for November. The excitement train is really starting to pick up speed!

Chapters Outlined: 13
Rough Word Count: 14,726

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eastern Glow

It was an incredibly difficult decision, but I ended up having to rewind and throw out two chapters. It only set me back a couple thousand words, being that they were only outlines, but Ive spent over two weeks in this particular area of the story and just now finally managed to get through it.

In the end, I know this was all a good thing, but it was pretty tough to do. I was confused, myself, what it was I was trying to say. There was a lot to say in these two chapters, and I had to find the right way to explain it to the reader while at the same time having it make sense for the characters. It was tough, but I think I managed to pull it off, and the story is much better for it.

The story of the crazy/ridiculous chapter from last week got scrapped entirely. A character briefly summarizes the events in a new scene I developed, but the event no longer includes the over-the-top stuff I'd written out in the scrapped chapter. I was going for quantity, not quality, and at this point everything hinges on quality. I can do quantity much later after this first book sets the ground rules. No point in going all out just yet, although the climax of this book will certainly be intense.

So yeah... new numbers below... :(

Chapters Outlined: 12
Rough Word Count: 13,144

Saturday, August 14, 2010

February Sun

Finally hit a wall. Im about to go into heavy-dialogue territory, so in order to outline this right I really, really need to know what the hell it is I want the characters to talk about. Unfortunately, this is the point where I had to step back and design part of the society that wont really come into play until much later, but it was necessary in order for me to understand what the characters needed to say. Seven of nine... items... have now been fleshed out. Hopefully I can continue forward with this chapter now.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thanks For Being Away

I just finished a chapter that, of all the ones Ive outlined so far, is easily the most ridiculous. Perhaps its because, until recently, everything in the story has been as "normal" as plot goes in this particular setting. But man, I cant help but feel I went a bit over the top with this.

I dont know, it could be a good thing. Im going to leave it in the outline and see how it presents itself in rough draft form. I cant help but feel, though, that Im going to have to cut it. Or, at any rate, give it a real good scrubbing. The chapter does serve a purpose, and I do need something that works similarly to what goes on here, but Im not sure if the idea I chose suits the realism Ive been shooting for. But then again, maybe it does? Maybe its so crazy that it just might work? At any rate, I was able to round off the chapter with some intentional symbolism that I think works very well with one of the themes/messages this story conveys.

Im a little nervous that Im starting to lose sight of where I was going with the ending. I know how it ends, and I know which direction to go for the next few chapters, but theres a gap inbetween that Im drawing a blank on. Hopefully the next few chapters will shed light on where Im supposed to go from here.

Chapters Outlined: 12
Rough Word Count: 13,659

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reciting the Airships

The past week has seen my outline finally cross into Act 2 territory. The plot has opened up and a bunch of different characters are now screaming at me for their turn in the limelight, and still others are showing up to the party hoping to get through the door.

The belly of the beast.

In a way its like Ive restarted, because the plot has shifted focus from the main character to a larger conflict. The difference is that at this point, the characters that have already been introduced are now moving around with three-dimensional personalities. Rather than being character-building, the chapters are now character-driven. Plot-driven, too, but the characters are starting to uncover themselves, driving the story forward in ways I hadnt thought of.

Before starting this outline, I was scared I wouldnt be able to write a 50k word novel. With all of the ideas that keep flooding onto my screen, Im beginning to think I may cross that finish line two times over.

The next couple weeks are going to be slightly tougher than recent ones. Im going to have to climb the Act 2 ladder until I reach the top and can slide back down to the start of Act 3 (the Final Act). But its going to be fun! Act 1 was the hardest. Act 3 should be the easiest, since its the last push to a complete outline. But Act 2, I think, is the most important. Its what keeps your interest past the initial "wow" factor of Act 1, and its what makes the outcome of Act 3 so impactful.

Chapters Outlined: 11, 12th one started
Rough Word Count: 12,697

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What Fell Down From The Moon Last Night

Plot twists. One big one fell into my lap today, and then the mother of all plot twists hit me like a truck this evening. This changes everything. Everything Ive thought up so far has been set on its ear. At some point in a future novel, something will be revealed that will make everyone reread this first novel in a new light. And not just a generic "Ooooh, it was really just this the whole time." Various scenes will be seen differently. Oh man, I'm so excited!

In addition to the plot twists, some new character relationships have sprung up with potential to be the most epic relationships in the entire series. Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan! Blank and Blank are going to have the most badass relationship in the history of the universe.

The further I get into this outline, the more and more this has all been coming to life. In fact, I had my first dream about my story the other night, pretending I was one of the characters. It was an amazing experience. I hope there will be many more like it.

I need to try and not post as many of these "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME" posts, but Im bubbling over with excitement tonight. I cant wait for November to get here.