Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Great Nothing

...nothing to do until November. Well, that's not true at all, but the anticipation has been steadily growing to write the draft. I'm going bonkers.

I never finished my outline. There's a solid three or four chapters I still need to bang out, possibly more. I purposefully left them unwritten until I had gone back through the outline again. I think I may leave them that way until I'm halfway through the first draft.

Ive been going back to the earlier chapter outlines and fleshing them out, bit by bit. An added scene here, some extended dialogue ideas there. Having finally seen what my characters will grow into by the end, I've had to go back and make sure that the seeds are planted early on. Its all about initial conflicts and making sure the characters slowly resolve them (and the successive conflicts) over the course of the book. Otherwise the reader will be bored and unsatisfied.

I'm pretty impressed with what I've come up with for the path my MC (that's "main character" for us Wrimos) has in front of him. Lots of great conflict, both on the inside and outside. The resolution of these conflicts wont be shared here (ie. positive or negative) but I'm happy with where he will be by the final page.

Man, is it November yet?