Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mythology from Mythology

I got a little sidetracked again tonight, but in a very productive way.

First off, I finally got a name for another character that I'd had on the list for a while. The name suits him very well, and Ive developed his personality/character a bit from it. I havent had any physical interactions with him yet, its all been through dialogue of other characters, but his piece of the puzzle is slowly starting to come togther.

Where I got sidetracked, though, was in thinking about how real world mythology affects the mythology of my story. I ended up Wikipedia-ing some Irish folklore and Judeo-Christian mythology, and this research helped me spruce up details for later down the road. It helped to loosen the "constraints" of the world as I have it currently designed.

That being said, I didnt get much new story down, so my outline is pretty similar to where it was last night. However, I have some more background to build off of, which I think is more important at this stage. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish off this chapter and start on the next one, although Im not sure where its going to start. I think its going to be a long one, so I know what the weekend has in store for me.