Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Writing Writer

This post has nothing to do with Coheed and Cambria.

OK, so I'm changing the purpose of this blog. Originally it was meant to be a journal where I could write about abstract ideas that I was incorporating into my novel. Yeah, this is another one of those blogs.

In the past I've started up some sort of blog or note systems to communicate my progress to whoever was listening. But in the end I defeated myself before I even began by posting schedules and other riffraff that had no business being out in the open, let alone being put to paper at all.

Ive thrown out the schedules, thrown out all sorts of restrictions and boundaries. Im not sure if I will even continue writing in this blog, as its just another distraction from what I should be doing. That is, to say, writing.

Thats why Im changing the purpose of this blog. Rather than a form of communication to the outside world, Im going to use this as a personal journal of my journey to get this job done. Everything I write in here will be to support myself and my writing. Im leaving this public for now, for anyone to read, but at some point I may change that.

This story is all I have left of my "dreams." Its been floating around in my head for, I dunno, ten years? It has become this huge, epic beast and it is very, very intimidating. It could either be world-changing or it won't get published at all. I feel I've finally found a solid starting point, so hopefully there won't be anymore "hey I've written four chapters!" and then starting over from scratch on a new story.

For the past few weeks Ive been writing a chapter-by-chapter overview to get things started. When I was writing the "original" novel in college, I spent my time between classes writing an overview that turned into a 40 page achievement. The only problem is that that novel is the fifth one in the series, so I wont be looking at it again for quite a while.

Ive been having a lot of fun with the new "first" novel. I started pulling ideas together around April (I think) and it has evolved quite a bit since then. Ive surprised myself with some of the ideas Ive come up with. There were a couple instances where I was laughing and flailing my arms wildly in the air as I danced around the living room. Well, not really, but you get the idea. Some awesome heart-wrenching, plot-driving twists that make total sense and are just, well, awesome!

Im having a bit of trouble keeping focused at the moment because Im about to jump into a couple exposition-driven chapters, and a lot of the fun/actiony stuff doesnt come until later. But Im still finding new and cool things to write about that are building up the characters.

Hell, these first three books (aiming for a trilogy, then two more trilogies after) are going to blow away everything I thought up for the original novels. Its a very traditional supernatural fantasy/scifi, as far as plot goes, but holy magoly is it epic.

So I guess I should get back to work on the overview now. From time to time I'll probably come on here and post my personal thoughts on characters or chapters or plot lines. Im going to do my best to keep things spoiler-free, but if it gets to the point where I HAVE to talk about something to help me progress, I may privatize this blog. I'll also post my progress so I can look back and see how long it really took to do all of this. I'll need that reassurance for if/when I start working on novel #2.

"...And the only sign of life is the ticking of the pen
Introducing characters to memory like old friends..."