Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Can't Fight A War Without Losing Blood

Another update on edits!

After about a month, I'm one third of the way through the manuscript.  That's pretty intense, considering the amount of time it took to write the whole thing.

Two chapters have suffered the big X of death so far, but I don't anticipate anymore casualties.  As mentioned in my previous post, the first chapter to die is being re-purposed for a future novel and the important bits for this novel have been moved elsewhere in the story.

The other chapter, though.  Yikes.  It was practically all fluff.  It served as a way to introduce a character before her main appearance.  However, having finished the first draft, I came to discover her role was not nearly as big as I had initially intended it to be.  In the end I didn't need the introductory chapter at all.  She will still be an important character, to an extent, but her bigger role in the series as a whole has been drastically reduced.

In other news, as part of the editing process, I put to paper all of the behind-the-scenes story that serves as the series plot.  A majority of it will not be revealed until future novels, but there will be hints, and it has major effects on the contained plot of this first book.  Writing it all down gave me some cool ideas that I can incorporate during this first edit.  When the entire series is complete it'd be cool to show off how I knew all this stuff from the beginning.  Lost-style.  WE HAVE TO GO BACK!

So pumped!  Lots of cool things on the horizon, including a surprise proclamation.  Going to save that for later, but it will be proclaimed sometime in the next few months.

Until next time...