Plot twists. One big one fell into my lap today, and then the mother of all plot twists hit me like a truck this evening. This changes everything. Everything Ive thought up so far has been set on its ear. At some point in a future novel, something will be revealed that will make everyone reread this first novel in a new light. And not just a generic "Ooooh, it was really just this the whole time." Various scenes will be seen differently. Oh man, I'm so excited!
In addition to the plot twists, some new character relationships have sprung up with potential to be the most epic relationships in the entire series. Oh maaaaaaaaaaaan! Blank and Blank are going to have the most badass relationship in the history of the universe.
The further I get into this outline, the more and more this has all been coming to life. In fact, I had my first dream about my story the other night, pretending I was one of the characters. It was an amazing experience. I hope there will be many more like it.
I need to try and not post as many of these "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME" posts, but Im bubbling over with excitement tonight. I cant wait for November to get here.