Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eastern Glow

It was an incredibly difficult decision, but I ended up having to rewind and throw out two chapters. It only set me back a couple thousand words, being that they were only outlines, but Ive spent over two weeks in this particular area of the story and just now finally managed to get through it.

In the end, I know this was all a good thing, but it was pretty tough to do. I was confused, myself, what it was I was trying to say. There was a lot to say in these two chapters, and I had to find the right way to explain it to the reader while at the same time having it make sense for the characters. It was tough, but I think I managed to pull it off, and the story is much better for it.

The story of the crazy/ridiculous chapter from last week got scrapped entirely. A character briefly summarizes the events in a new scene I developed, but the event no longer includes the over-the-top stuff I'd written out in the scrapped chapter. I was going for quantity, not quality, and at this point everything hinges on quality. I can do quantity much later after this first book sets the ground rules. No point in going all out just yet, although the climax of this book will certainly be intense.

So yeah... new numbers below... :(

Chapters Outlined: 12
Rough Word Count: 13,144